====== Bond Registration ======
Action script emailcsv.php labels :en:labels:customs:forms:bond-registration Thanks "Thank you for opening an account at ALB!" Hidden to "=open-account@albcustoms.com" Hidden from "=no-reply@albcie.com" Hidden subject "=@FORMPAGE_!!PAGE@" Hidden showFieldSet "=0" Hidden filename "=@FORMPAGE_FILE@" Hidden append "=1" Hidden namespace "=fr:customs:forms" Hidden debug "=0" Fieldset "Company Information as Stated at Canada Revenue Agency and the Business Registry" Textbox LegalName "=1234-1234 Quebec Inc." Textbox SBRN "=123456789RM0001" Textbox Owner Textbox Address Textbox City Textbox State Textbox Country "=Canada" Textbox ZipCode Textbox Phone Number GSTAmount Select Language "English|Francais" Fieldset submit submit